Problem speaker with M5stickC Plus
I am using M5stickc plus at the moment I am very happy with them, but I have had a problem and I cannot find a solution.
I am unable to make a beep sound and I am not listening because, I am attaching the code to see if they can help me.ERRROArduino:1.8.13 (Windows 10), Tarjeta:"M5Stick-C, Default, 1500000, None"
C:\DISEÑOS\Arduino\sketch_nov25b\sketch_nov25b.ino: In function 'void loop()':
sketch_nov25b:51:8: error: 'class M5StickCPlus' has no member named 'Speaker'
exit status 1
'class M5StickCPlus' has no member named 'Speaker'Thanks in advance.
#include <M5StickCPlus.h>
#define INTERVALO_LED 200
#define INTERVALO_LECTURAS 1000uint8_t i = 12;// entre 7 y 12
unsigned long tiempo;
const int Led = 10;
unsigned long Tiempo_Led_Encendido = 0;
unsigned long Tiempo_entre_Lecturas = 0;void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
M5.begin();pinMode (Led, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (Led, HIGH);
M5.Lcd.setRotation(1); //Rotar LCD
M5.Lcd.fillScreen(BLACK); //Vaciar pantalla y color
M5.Lcd.setTextColor(WHITE); //Color Texto
M5.Lcd.setTextSize(2); //Tamaño Texto
}void loop() {
M5.update(); // need to call update()
if (millis () > (Tiempo_entre_Lecturas + INTERVALO_LECTURAS))
M5.Lcd.fillScreen(BLACK); //Vaciar pantalla y color
M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
M5.Lcd.printf("V_Bateria: %.2fV\r\n", M5.Axp.GetBatVoltage());
M5.Lcd.printf("I_Bateria: %.1fmA\r\n", M5.Axp.GetBatCurrent());
M5.Lcd.printf("V_USB: %.3fV\r\n", M5.Axp.GetVBusVoltage());
M5.Lcd.printf("I_USB: %.3fmA\r\n", M5.Axp.GetVBusCurrent());
M5.Lcd.printf("Vin: %.3fV\r\n", M5.Axp.GetVinVoltage());
M5.Lcd.printf("Iin: %.3fmA\r\n", M5.Axp.GetVinCurrent());
M5.Lcd.printf("Bat power: %.3fmw\r\n", M5.Axp.GetBatPower());
M5.Lcd.printf("Nivel: %u\r\n", M5.Axp.GetWarningLeve());
Tiempo_entre_Lecturas = millis();
digitalWrite (Led, LOW);
Serial.println("Pulsado A");
if (i > 12) i = 7;
Tiempo_Led_Encendido = millis();
if (!digitalRead(Led) & (millis () > (Tiempo_Led_Encendido + INTERVALO_LED)))
digitalWrite (Led, HIGH);
// M5.Speaker.setBeep(900, 1000);
} -
Thanks, you are a machine and fast.
Another issue, I cannot change the volume on my M5stack Plus. Some help?
Hi @vgamlc
I don't think you can change the volume of the beep. Although there is a
function the volume is only used in thePlayMusic()
function, but not for the beep.Please also refer to the Speaker source code