M5StickC and 18650C endurance
@kees said in M5StickC and 18650C endurance:
@Pepsi BTW, how much time does it take to fully charge the battery? Does probably depend on the charger, but just to have an idea.
Today I did an experiment to measure the time and the current needed to charge the battery. In short, it needs around 8 hours, a steady current of 100 mA, and the final reading showed that the battery has a capacity of around 800 mAh. I can't be sure that I discharged completely before charging the battery. But hopefully, this will give you a rough estimation.
@kees After 2 hours charging
@kees Finished after 8 hours charging
@crami25 . Thanks for the video. Could be useful for another project I am working on. But for this I can not let an elderly person remove the battery for charging as Pepsi wrote.
@Pepsi I can not find anything on corespeed. How did you lower this? Maybe this will give just enough endurance.
@liemph Thanks. I did a number of simple tests and got rather varying results. Ranging from 8 to 22 hours (only once), but mostly around 12 hours, but with large charging times indeed. I also used two different charging devices. How ever I would like to measure these values (charging and discharging) for better tests, but not on the screen. I want to send them using the BLE I already use. Could you share with me how you read these values.
@liemph Ah, nice device. Been searching the internet and found one brand with interesting devices (even with blue tooth data gathering) but the shipping costs are ridiculous. Could you tell me what brand you have. Makes searching less difficult.
Those usb meters are so useful. I use a kewize one
@ajb2k3 said in M5StickC and 18650C endurance:
Can you be a bit more specific? I can not find any information with that name.
@kees I bought with the brand Keweisi from Aliexpress a long time ago (same with the one mentioned by @ajb2k3 ?). But I could not find now. However, I found a very close one in Aliexpress:
10 in 1 Digital Dispay DC USB Tester Current Voltage Charger Voltmeter power bank wattmeter voltage tester doctor detector (462 Japanese Yen + 12 Yen Shipping to Japan).
I own 2 as I had two usb items running on a solar system.
here is a link https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000283980538.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.778955f5xHUkOM&algo_pvid=00ae61f9-4566-4b6f-a3fb-8958a35cb407&algo_expid=00ae61f9-4566-4b6f-a3fb-8958a35cb407-0&btsid=0ab6f8ad15880928597415747e14c1&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ -
@pepsi said in M5StickC and 18650C endurance:
@crami25 the question was not related to the M5Stack but to the M5StickC. And most powerbanks will only work for a few minutes. this because the current is to low and the powerbank will cute off the power.
I can confirm this behaviour with a RAVPower bank, I have tried to power low current sensors with it and it was a failure due to the cut off.
@kees i did not invent it myself... i did find the sugestion for it on the website bleow. It is tip 4.
@Pepsi Thanks, I could not find the call to decrease the speed. Not very much, but it helps.