AtomS33R Camera, control blue light on the front
Sorry, no doubt i have missed it in the documentation and sample, but how can I control the blue led on the front of the camera?
Or is this the IR Led driven by GPIO_Num_47?
Oh, now I see, it is the blue led connected to 3 Volt.
Thank you.
This code does not seem to work :#include <M5AtomS3.h> void setup() { AtomS3.begin(true); // Init M5AtomS3Lite. AtomS3.dis.setBrightness(10); } void loop() { AtomS3.dis.drawpix(0xff0000); AtomS3.update(); delay(500); AtomS3.dis.drawpix(0x00ff00); AtomS3.update(); delay(500); AtomS3.dis.drawpix(0x0000ff); AtomS3.update(); delay(500); }
I guess it is directly connected to some hardware pin, so it may not be controlled by the user.
Or you can check the schematic and write high and low levels to all LED pins connected to GPIO to try it.