Wait instruction in a loop
I am aiming at updating a label every seconds but the rendering is always made at the very end of the loop.
Using the https://m5stack.github.io/UIFlow_doc/en/en/Start_programming/Wait.html I was hoping this type of loop would to it.
Is there anything in particular to take into account?
A specific button calls that function, the rest is pretty simple a label being displayed on the middle of the screen.
But instead of seing, 1, 2, 3,....10
Only 10 is displayed at when loop has completed.
answering myself but in case it can help others this type of update has to be made as part of a loop screen instruction as in yellow above otherwise it is not working
I think I have the same problem, still trying to figure it out. I'm trying to gradually move an image in a loop by setting x / y and waiting, but the screen doesn't seem to update. Looking at your example I'm not sure how to apply a similar solution?