Core and Core2 compatibility

  • I want to learn more about the M5 Stack Core 2, but I have hit a dead end.

    I am keen to load the Blockly version of the Weather Station (Lesson 7 on Youtube). No luck.

    Is the Core 2 compatible with Core based software? I have loaded the code as shown but I have just a white screen - nothing more, so I suspect this particular example is not compatible???

    The other confusing part is I have seen versions of UI Flow that offer a range of examples accessed via the top icon row (right hand side) including the Weather Station example that I am interested in. I cant always see this. I am currently using 1.7.1. The version shown on the M5 is Core2 1.8.5, which is also confusing.

    Any help getting me out this problem would be appreciated.


  • Hello @Flow

    if in the online version (1.8.5) of UIFlow I select M5Core2 then under Demo (button top right) I only see the drawing board app, however when I select M5Stack (Base) I see multiple example apps under Demo, including the Weather Station.

    In other words, the examples build for M5Stack are in general not compatible with M5Core2 and vice versa.

    I guess your options are to either take the M5Stack examples and try to adapt / rebuild them to M5Core2 or get an M5Stack.
