No NCIR_2 Unit listed or selectable in UIFlow2 Web IDE?

  • Anyone know if the NCIR 2 can be used in UIFlow2 (2.0.3) if it is not a selectable unit?
    It shares the same 0x5A address and pins as regular NCIR so I didn't know if you could use the NCIR blocks and then force the NCIR2 differences in the code editor?


    At [M5Unit-NCIR2/examples/M5Unit-NCIR2-Demo/M5Unit-NCIR2-Demo.ino] it shows how different the code is for the additional capabilities (we need) from the NCIR2.

    It seems like this unit was released in 2022. How long does it take for new units to be upadted into UIFlow? Any ideas/suggestions?