ESPNow in UIFlow/MicroPython on M5StickC Plus2?

  • The M5StickC Plus2 Firmware doesn't seem to have ESPNow support. Is this expected to be added at a later date, or is support for ESPNow being discontinued?


  • Hi @texasmedic,
    Espnow supports official MicroPython firmware above version 1.21.0, our team tries to use mpy 1.21.0 + espidf (above v5.0). Can be used as soon as possible.

  • I too am extremely interested in this. I've been trying to program some wireless stuff on a couple of M5StickC Plus2s using UIFlow and ESP-Now... The only thing is I'm not seeing any ESP-Now options in the new UIFlow 2.0. There are block options in v 1.0 but when I use those I've been running into errors.