Pb.HUB will not connect. [Fixed]

  • Here is a copy of the Python,,Terminal, and Blocks. I erased and burned the firmware again. I looked and didn't see anything that was similar for trouble shooting. The miniscule amount of code I kind of understand, I don't see anything that stands out. Any help would be appreciated.


    from m5stack import *
    from m5stack_ui import *
    from uiflow import *
    import unit

    screen = M5Screen()
    pbhub_0 = unit.get(unit.PBHUB, unit.PORTA)

    label0 = M5Label('label0', x=102, y=101, color=0x000, font=FONT_MONT_38, parent=None)

    while True:

    ---From Terminal---

    Connected to Serial Port!
    ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

    rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
    configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
    mode:DIO, clock div:1
    entry 0x4008063c

       _  __ _               

    _ ()/ | | _____ __
    | | | | | |
    | |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
    | || | | | | () \ V V /
    ,||| ||___/ _/_/


    paste mode; Ctrl-C to cancel, Ctrl-D to finish
    === from m5stack import *
    === from m5stack_ui import *
    === from uiflow import *
    === import unit
    === screen = M5Screen()
    === screen.clean_screen()
    === screen.set_screen_bg_color(0xFFFFFF)
    === pbhub_0 = unit.get(unit.PBHUB, unit.PORTA)
    === label0 = M5Label('label0', x=102, y=101, color=0x000, font=FONT_MONT_38, parent=None)
    === pbhub_0.init_i2c_address(0x61)
    === while True:
    === label0.set_text(str(pbhub_0.read_status(0xFE)))
    === wait_ms(2)

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 8, in <module>
    File "unit.py", line 190, in get
    File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    File "units/_pbhub.py", line 15, in init
    File "units/_pbhub.py", line 21, in _available
    Unit: Pb.hub unit maybe not connect


  • @isoeek Update! I did nothing new or different, now it works. I guess this is "normal" as no one replied.

  • @isoeek said in Pb.HUB will not connect.:

    @isoeek Update! I did nothing new or different, now it works. I guess this is "normal" as no one replied.

    More of a case that there was no one around yesterday.
    Is it the Mega328 Pb.Hub you have?

    Which UIFlow are you using as I have one on my bench waiting to start a guide.

  • @ajb2k3 Oh, okay. I'm using the STM32 F030 and Uiflow V1. I'm using the Tough Core as well. What dosen't make sense is I had it working with blocks/code, then it stopped working. I tried different cables and ports with no joy. I even checked to make sure everything was plugged in. 😂.

  • @isoeek Okay, I think I'm the cause of the fault as it's not working now. All I'm trying to do is run 2 maybe 3 mosfet dc speed controllers with a PWM signal from the Pb.HUB. If its not capable I'll use the EXT.IO2.

  • Ahh power draw issues.

    Try providing separate power to the devices but only connect the signal and GND pins to the PbHub.

  • @ajb2k3 I have a few Type C 2 Grove. I cant believe I didnt think about that. Thank you. I'll let you know how it goes.

  • @ajb2k3 Still no joy. 🤔This is from the terminal.

    ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

    rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
    configsip: 188777542, SPIWP:0xee
    mode:DIO, clock div:1
    ho 0 tail 12 room 4
    entry 0x4008063c

       _  __ _               

    _ ()/ | | _____ __
    | | | | | |
    | |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
    | || | | | | () \ V V /
    ,||| ||___/ _/_/

    APIKEY: A2DCA138
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "flow/m5cloud.py", line 82, in _exec_fun
    File "<string>", line 9, in <module>
    File "unit.py", line 186, in get
    File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    File "units/_pbhub.py", line 15, in init
    File "units/_pbhub.py", line 21, in _available
    Unit: Pb.hub unit maybe not connect

    1_1692054157240_uiflow_block_PB_Hub_Atom.png 0_1692054157240_Atom Pb Hub Wiring sm.png

  • I can't connect PbHUB V1.1 to Atom Lite or Tough.

  • 0_1692073783955_398fc519-6e86-4b3c-a921-debdf65b563a-image.png
    First check if pbhub is connected or not? Check whether the i2c scan device result is [0x61] or [97].

  • @pandian-nano Thanks for the suggestion and help. This is what is in the terminal.

    === from m5stack import *
    === from m5stack_ui import *
    === from uiflow import *
    === import i2c_bus
    === import time
    === import unit
    === screen = M5Screen()
    === screen.clean_screen()
    === screen.set_screen_bg_color(0xFFFFFF)
    === pbhub_0 = unit.get(unit.PBHUB, unit.PORTA)
    === i2c0 = i2c_bus.easyI2C(i2c_bus.PORTA, 0x00, freq=400000)
    === i2c0.addr=(0x68)
    === while True:
    === print(i2c0.scan())
    === wait_ms(200)
    === wait_ms(2)

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 10, in <module>
    File "unit.py", line 190, in get
    File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    File "units/_pbhub.py", line 15, in init
    File "units/_pbhub.py", line 21, in _available
    Unit: Pb.hub unit maybe not connect

  • I have lost track of how many times ive erased and downloaded the firmware. This is the last Terminal screen.

    Connected to Serial Port!
    ( �m�!0ϟ��( �m�!0���
    _ __ _
    _ ()/ | | _____ __
    | | | | | |
    | |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
    | || | | | | () \ V V /
    ,||| ||___/ _/_/

    APIKEY: 2F9D3FE8
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "main.py", line 12, in <module>
    File "unit.py", line 190, in get
    File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    File "units/_pbhub.py", line 15, in init
    File "units/_pbhub.py", line 21, in _available
    Unit: Pb.hub unit maybe not connect
    MicroPython b0cb55176-dirty on 2023-08-03; M5Stack with ESP32
    Type "help()" for more information.

    I felt I was making decent progress at first. I have had so many failures now, I question the little bit I do know. Tried Uiflow V2 but Pb.Hub is not available.

  • Hi,


    Please check again and check the result

  • @pandian-nano Thanks. This is the out come. I looked up the Hex for 96 and I get 0x60. I believe I need to set init and/or set the new address. Is the answer as simple as using the Write Memory Data under I2C Master? Is the included block what I need to burn? I'm doing my best to learn this, but damn there is a lot to learn!

    0_1692218108337_I2C Scan.jpg

    I tried using this code and I had no change.

  • @IsoEek

    • Please check again and check the result 0x61[97]

    • If you get 0x61 result then your pbhub i2c address was changed from 0x60 to 0x61


  • @pandian-nano said in Pb.HUB will not connect.:


    I now get [97] and True. I just tried using digital and analog read. Both are working as expected. That was a really cool party trick! Where can I read more about what you walked me through. I obviously have no issues making bad code. I need to know how to clean up my own messes and how to debug. Thank you so much for the help. I appreciate it more than you know.

  • @pandian-nano Thank you. I have read through that several times and it makes no more sense than the time before. I'll eventually come across something that I understand and it will sink in. Thanks again.