M5 camera board and TTGO camera?
Anyone know it they can be used together?
Either directly or by remapping pins?
I need a longer flat cable.
Thanks. -
Since TTGO is not an M5Stack product we cannot provide support for it I'm afraid
Do you perhaps have the pinout for the camera connector then so I can check for myself?
Are you talking about the ribbon cable connecting the camera component to the circuit board? Not quite sure why you would want to swap the camera unless its broken as the esp32 camera board https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/unit/esp32cam m5camera https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/unit/m5camera and ttgo all use ov2640 the exact same camera module
As I said above I need a longer ribbon cable, The M5stack camera is perfect otherwise as it is the slimmest product available,
has a build in charger and programming interface.
But the ribbon cable is to short for me to place where I want. ( Inside a HO scale locomotive)
So yes I'm Talking about the connector for the ribbon cable, and I know I'ts the same camera module.
What I do not know is if the M5Stack ribbon cable are connected in the same order on the ov2640 as TTGO's,
as the ribbon cable possibly is custom made to either's specification?
https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/unit/esp32cam does not include a connector pinout( by numbers)./Net-Time
There is a schematic for the esp32 cam in the schematics repo on our github https://github.com/m5stack/M5-Schematic/blob/master/Units/esp32-cam/M5CAM-ESP32-A1-POWER.pdf
Thank you, thats it :)
Had a quick look and seems it might be possible, the TTGO camera is 26-pin but that seems to be the only major difference and since it's just a pair of extra GND it should be possible to just cut them. The power connections seem to be in the same places.
To twist this post in another direction, Does M5Stack have any plans for a camera with longer ribbon?
I know there are extensions too but they are bulky.
Thanks -
Maybe TTGO can work with m5stack.I only used TTGO T-Watch.