[Solved]Doesn't work sample sketch "MP9250BasicAHRS" on M5Stack Gray
I have the same problem, I just bought and received a gray model that said it has the MPU9250, but
I can't seem to get it to work. My error is almost the same, the calibration numbers are a little different, otherwise same error.
Someone please tell us how to fix this.
I'm on a Linux Mint box (19.0, 64bit, 4gb ram, Arduino 1.8.5 IDE) Updated ESP32 cores, etc.
I've tried all the versions of the M5Stack library that are available via the library manager, all give the same error. -
The latest arduino-esp32 I2C have a problem, I checkout out to the e63aa4065092c9a3a0547b2649a509585866ce87 can fix the problem.
cd ~/Documents/Arduino/hardware/espressif/esp32 git checkout e63aa4065092c9a3a0547b2649a509585866ce87
@bin That worked, thank you.
Hi all,
Thank you for your comments and advise.
My M5Stack work fine too after update library by 0x1abin's advise.
HI, I faced the same problem, but it seems to be fixed on this commit for now.
https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/commit/b05430cfd9f273d627baa6c4dac6c215d6cde902 -
@0x1abin Hi, please can you explain to me how this fixed the issue. I am struggling with the same thing. I am very new to this. I have followed all the instructions but i dont know how to upload the other I2c onto the m5stack.
I'm sure I'm missing something... -
Hi, What's your specific proble/issue? -
@watson Thank you replying.
I' m not sure how to update the library.
I need to use the MPU9250 to monitor a pumps vibrations. -
Hi, you can update your other libraries through arduino ide by following this article.https://docs.m5stack.com/#/en/related_documents/upgrade_m5stack_lib
You need click "Library Manager" on Arduino IDE