Example of arduino code for recording arbitrary 433mhz RF remote?

  • Hell all.

    I'm looking for an arduino code snippet for recording arbitrary RF code from a very simple RF remote. The example code in RF433.ino seems to make quite a lot of assumptions about what format/RMT_CHANNEL, RMT_CLK_DIV etc (in other words, I never got to to react to my remote being pressed, also I have added lots of debug printouts, they never seem to be triggered). I am sure the remote is 433mhz (says so on the box), I was able to record the RF code using a proprietary RF recorder/transmitter (Broadlink RM Pro).

    Any hints or clues on how to make this work (i.e. I press a button on my remote, the code spills out sequence of bytes I can feed back into RF433T ?).

  • I'm just now trying to do the same thing, and the sample code doesn't do anything (as you pointed out). I'm using an M5Stick-C-Plus and I'm still confused on the Port A/B thing. So maybe it's not using Port B correctly?

    A better example program would really go a long way!

  • @konacurrents regarding the port A port B issue:
    Some M5Stack products have several grove ports. If it is red it is port A intended for I2C but can be programmed as general purpose I/O. This allows the library for your specific unit (e.g. M5Stack.h) to use the correct pin numbers with out you having to enter them in your code.
    Port B is white, I think and is multipurpose.

    The Stick has a Port B on the USB side and a Hat port on the other.

  • @teastain The 4 devices I'm using are the ESP-32 board, M5ATOM, M5Core2 and M5StickC-Plus. Are all three M5's with their 1 GROVE connection all called Port B? I use the HAT as well.

    Reading the code of the RF433 provided by M5Stack, it says Port B (which the M5Stack is using). So I confirm @ignoramati results of nothing.

    Separate topic is needed for all the Port and I2C designs.
    Thanks for the port info. I've had trouble figuring that out. I'm also trying to figure out the I2C design. I have a PbHUB to use too. I really want the many sensors to be available and dynamically turned on based on a configuration file (so all compiled into the same executable).

  • @konacurrents Which device specifically are we talking about?
    The Stick has a Port B on the USB side and a Hat port on the other. All the ports are programmable as I2C, GPIO and some accept Analog. But this convention allows the M5StickCPlus.h library that you are using to configure the port type and setting, for you. You can have an ENV Hat on one end and another ENV Unit on the port near the USB and receive different data, in theory, but it requires a little set-up to pull off this trick.

  • Hello guys

    I think the basic idea behind the Groove colors is:

    • port A (red) : default usage I2C
    • port B (black) : default usage I/O
    • port C (blue) : default usage UART
    • port A/B/C (white) : no default usage (like on the M5StickCPlus)

    But it's like @teastain already said: most ports can be used for anything as the GPIOs are mostly configurable.
