• Hi @felmue
    But I don´t see how it could be a compatibility problem between UiFlow and HIVEMQ as I can connect to HIVEMQ public server. And I also can connect to my private HIVEMQ server with mosquitto. Let´s see if @ajb2k3 find a solution when he is available.
    Another question, how could I generate a Lets Encrypt certificate for doing some test with the 8886 port?

  • Hello @Javi

    I did not have to load any root certificate in UiFlow to connect to on port 8886. The only thing I did is turn on SSL.

    Too bad the HIVEMQ public broker is a) not using TLS and b) has a short (only two dots) domain. Not really useful for comparison. But yes I agree, the MQTT version argument gets a bit weak (unless TLS required a different version).

    Edit: I've just modified my local MQTT broker so it has a similar domain name (same length, same amount of dots) as the HIVEMQ broker and using UiFlow still worked ok. So I guess the number of dots in the domain name is not the issue.


  • Hi guys

    after long hours of searching and trying different things I finally stumbled over the missing piece here.

    For HIVEMQ the server_hostname seems to be required which is part of the SSL parameters. In order to add that the regular MQTT block cannot be used, but the Execute block can fix that. Here is what works for me:



  • Hi @felmue

    Thanks for everything but what should I write instead of 'server_hostname' in my case?. When I create my cluster in HiveMQ I only recieve a host url that is what I write in 'HOST'. Maybe I do not have to write anything. I am going to test it and I will say you is something is going wrong.


  • @felmue said in CORE2 HIVEMQ:

    Hi guys

    after long hours of searching and trying different things I finally stumbled over the missing piece here.

    For HIVEMQ the server_hostname seems to be required which is part of the SSL parameters. In order to add that the regular MQTT block cannot be used, but the Execute block can fix that. Here is what works for me:



    Thanks @felmue Have you contacted @IAMLIUBO about this issue and reported it in the UIFlow 1.9.2 discussion?

  • Hi @felmue @ajb2k3

    It finally works. Thank you so much guys for everything. Now I need to change the Qos of the messages I publish to 2, but I think UiFlow does not have that function implemented yet and will add in a future version.


  • @ajb2k3 Thanks so much! This worked perfectly on my M5stickcplus. We have been testing this about a week with no issues other than battery life.

    Today for some reason it just stopped publishing the message. If we try it from MQTT.fx it still works. Now I am just confused. Could HiveMQ cloud have made a recent change that effected how this works?

    This is the first time I have "MQTT'd" or used the M5StickCplus and until tonight it has been a hoot!

    The M5sick still looks like it is functioning as it did yesterday. Is it possible it failed in someway? I have burned it and reinstalled the UIFlow program to no avail.

    Thanks in advance BTW!


  • Hello guys

    I think the issue is in UiFlow 1.9.5. The MQTT publish command now supports QoS, but it seems that breaks the publishing to HiveMQ. :-(


  • @felmue - I use the desktop 1.0.17 UiFlow version. Also, I did not reload the M5stick but it just stopped working. (??) Is there a way to access/load an older version of UiFlow to try to get this working again? Thanks for all you have done BTW.

    Background: I found a digital signage offering that has both live TV and the customers content. We discovered that it can switch back and forth between the content feeds with MQTT commands.

    We wanted a wearable button that would switch to the client content when annoying TV commercials come on. When we see a TV commercial it can be made to disappear with one press of a button. - FUN!

    We decided to start with HiveMQ because will need fewer than 100 devices but need to sort them into user groups.

    Even at 57 and with no programming skills I can grasp Blockly.


    Is there another broker similar to HiveMQ Cloud?

    Is there another way to program the M5Stick other than UiFlow so it can publish to HiveMQ knowing that I have no skills?

    We we turn on the M5StickC Plus and it automatically connects to WIFI
    Connect to Hive
    Display "Connected" for 5 seconds
    Send command: {"operation": "layout/set", "parameters": {"layoutId": 2, "length": 360}}
    Display "Published" for 5 seconds
    Display Battery percentage for 5 seconds
    Power off the M5stick. (This gives us 3 to 4 days of use on a single charge)

    This has been a fun project so far - A few weeks ago I did not even know what MQTT was!

    • Paul

  • Hello @LBP-of-MO

    In M5Burner for each M5Stack device there is a drop-down menu through which you should be able to select older UIFlow firmware versions to download and burn.

    Good luck!


  • The desktop version is broken and unsupported at present. I'm hoping that it will be rebuilt for version 2.0.

    @lbp-of-mo said in CORE2 HIVEMQ:

    Even at 57 and with no programming skills I can grasp Blockly.

    • Paul

    This is what brought me to UIFlow!

    I have been writing an ebook on IOT and would appreciate any help

    I'm working through Blynk at present and haven't had time to invest in Hive MQ but have you looked into setting up a private MQTT server on a raspberry pi?

  • @felmue Hi,
    I used the new publishing method with Qos in UiFlow with HiveMQ last Friday and it worked perfectly I do not understand why today it does not work.

  • Ok guys,
    I have seen where is the problem. Last week messsages with QoS 2 did not work and I told to m5stack support team. Maybe they are now working on it as now if you put QoS 0 or Qos 1 it works with HiveMQ as always. I hope they fix that soon and we can work with Qos2.

  • Hi again and I hope this is the last one.
    Now I have discovered another thing. Due to the bug that skip 2 characters of the message you publish when you are working with Qos2 in UiFlow, if the message you are sending is less than 2 characters the server seems to do not even receive the message. So try to always send a message longer than 2 characters when you use the Qos2 in UiFlow.

    Another thing M5Stack should fix is that you do not really send a QoS 2 message when you send it, it sends a QoS 1 as maximum.

  • Hi @ajb2k3 @felmue
    I have been working with the configuration you told me to connect with HiveMQ cloud with ssl. Now, using it I have seen an error. It does not subscribe to the topics a need to. See an easy example.
    0_1649840402752_2022-04-13 (2)_LI.jpg
    Here, when I press the button, the message "vamos" is send and it appears in the broker topic "hola" as it has to. But the button does not turn red. If I use the MQTT configuration block instead of the one that execute the code to connect it to a public server it all works properly, but I need to do the same in the private server with the ssl.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Maybe there is a parmeter left in the code because I´ve tried to connect to the public server with the code and it happens the same

  • @javi - QOS 0 is what we use. Is there a way to adjust the UiFlow code to make it work as it did before? Or - Is there a different way to program the M5SickCplus to make it work with Hive? Thanks so much!

  • @lbp-of-mo The latest UiFlow 1.9.6 version now works perfectly with HiveMQ as it has the missing QoS field. Thanks to everyone that helped me out with this. - Paul

  • This post is deleted!

  • @felmue Thanks a lot. This solved my project