analogRead on M5Atom
Hello, I'm trying to make analog readings on pin "G33" and "G23".
- When I do analogRead(33), I get the same values whatever I send the signal on G33 or G23
- When I do analogRead(23), I receive no signal on G33 and G23
What am I missing?
#if !defined(ARDUINO_M5Stick_C)
#error Wrong target platform (M5StickC - M5Atom)
#endif#include "M5Atom.h"
#include "pixelTypes.h"uint8_t pinNorth = 33;
//uint8_t pinSouth = 19;void setup()
M5.begin(false, false, true);
}void loop()
int readValue;
int ledValue;// Read the North pin
readValue = analogRead(pinNorth);
ledValue = map(readValue, 0, 4095, 0, 255);
Serial.print("- North: ");
Serial.print(" -> ");
Serial.println(ledValue);M5.dis.drawpix(2, ledValue);
M5.dis.drawpix(6, ledValue);
M5.dis.drawpix(7, ledValue);
M5.dis.drawpix(8, ledValue);delay(10);
// Read the South pin
// readValue = analogRead(pinSouth);
// ledValue = map(readValue, 0, 4095, 0, 255);
// Serial.print("- South: ");
// Serial.print(readValue);
// Serial.print(" -> ");
// Serial.println(ledValue);
// M5.dis.drawpix(16, ledValue);
// M5.dis.drawpix(17, ledValue);
// M5.dis.drawpix(18, ledValue);
// M5.dis.drawpix(22, ledValue);
// Serial.println("");
// delay(10);
} -
Are you usiing a gpio that does not have a ADC?
Ah yes GPIO19 is not an ADC pin.
here is a picture of the pins of the M5Stack
PINS 35 or 36 are the ADC's/
Hello @sbollaerts
there is only one analog input available on the M5Atom Matrix: GPIO34 which is shared with GPIO23.
Please check out M5AtomMatrix Schematic
In order to use the analog input you'll need to set GPIO34 as input and disable pullup/pulldown resistors of GPIO23.
Below code works for me:
#include <M5Atom.h> void setup() { M5.begin(true, false, true); pinMode(GPIO_NUM_34, INPUT); gpio_pulldown_dis(GPIO_NUM_23); gpio_pullup_dis(GPIO_NUM_23); } void loop() { Serial.printf("GPIO34: %d\n", analogRead(GPIO_NUM_34)); delay(1000); }
Update: I just realised that GPIO33 can also be used as analog input.
pinMode(GPIO_NUM_33, INPUT); Serial.printf("GPIO33: %d\n", analogRead(GPIO_NUM_33));