UIFlow and BLE in Central Mode

  • I have an M5 Fire. I am trying to get a Bluetooth BLE 2D/QR code scanner connected to the Fire using UIFlow (in HID mode). This has not gone well. I am wondering :

    • If I am developing in UIFlow over WIFI, does this effectively stop BLE/Bluetooth from working because Bluetooth and WIFI can't work at the same time?

    • Is it possible, within UIFlow to turn WIFI off completely so that BLE can own the antenna and work? (even with Execute code?)

    • Has any one else managed to get something like this to work?


  • @whotopia Hi,

    1. ESP32 microcontroller supports both BLE and Wi-Fi simultaneously. The ESP32 chip has dedicated hardware for both BLE and Wi-Fi, allowing them to operate independently and concurrently. This means you can run BLE and Wi-Fi tasks concurrently without one interfering with the other.
    2. Now M5Fire device with UIFlow only supports BLE Uart profile, not HID profile