Cannot select M5StampS3 in UIFlow 2.0

  • I have an M5StampS3 that I cannot add as a new device in UIFlow 2.0.
    Since this is my first device I may have done something wrong when initially trying to bind the device. However I don't know how to unbind/re-bind the device. I remember that I entered a custom device name.

    I have a second stamp that is working. I left the device name unchanged and have been able to register the device using the MAC.

    For both devices I got the error 'Request failed with status code 400` when trying to bind the device.

  • @roamingthings Unbinding/deleting devices is done in UIFLOW2 once you log in.

    Have you tried erasing the firmware and refreshing the firmware with M5Burner?

    If you have and it failed try PMing M5Stack as they have issues with some devices not binding.

  • @ajb2k3 I have erased and re-flashed the Stamp multiple times. I never got the 'registration' form again and I'm still not able to add it to UIFlow 2.0.
    I don't know where the information is stored (m5burner or UIFlow) that this stamp has already been seen the 'bind' dialog.

  • @roamingthings if it’s already bound then you will find it in the UIFlow 2 device selector

  • @ajb2k3 it's not in the device selector. So it's not bound. However I cannot re-bind it, since m5burner does not offer me the binding dialog

  • @roamingthings email M5Stack support, it sounds like they may have to add the code to your account
    You are logged into the same account on both M5Burner and UIFlow2